Boxing Day at CSA

Matthew Himmel, the World PEAS (People Enhancing Agricultural Sustainability) CSA Coordinator at New Entry, here in Massachusetts, invited me to observe him and his workers boxing the Lowell CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) shares. They pack three days per week. Here in the Boston area we had torrential rains both Tuesday and Wednesday this week, and while they needed to work in the rain, under a tarp, I didn't. I wimped out and showed up on Thursday morning, the first nice day in a while. Conditions were actually pretty good for photography though; no direct sunlight and off and on clouds. And no rain!

I watched and learned much about how they divide up the produce to provide CSA shareholders with their goodies. I never thought about it, but they need to weigh quite a few things and even out the contents of the boxes to make them all uniform, fair and bountiful.

I had originally asked Matthew if I could photograph him for my portrait project back in January. Things happen, so it's a good idea to plan ahead!

For the first few shots, he invited me to experience the refrigerator truck. After 10 minutes, the 60F outside the truck felt pretty good. But what's up with the lens fogging up? A long, beautiful summer makes you forget about those joys of cold weather photography.

Matthew Himmel, the World PEAS (People Enhancing Agricultural Sustainability) CSA Coordinator at New Entry